Thursday, 2 January 2014

Christmas Poem

Hello Merry Christmas!

The day is coming
Where tree is dressed
Where presents are wrapped
Where dinner is served
Where family is united
Hello Merry Christmas!
Together we celebrate it
Forever we remember it

Ancient Poem

Precious Time

I’m still here
The road still clear
No heart can be cured

Sweat flooded
In the crowd
Sunshine strike
Make me fried

I’m still here
The road still clear 
No heart can be cured

Time move like a snail
Neither stop nor move
A shrill shout
Deep in my heart

I’m still here
The road is clear
No sound to be heard
No heart can be cured

Time is coming
Where I can be a part of you
How I miss this moment
The true friendship brings me up

I’m the Champion

At the moment I step into it
I can feel the spirit
I can taste the sweetness
It will be mine

The journey like a strawberry
It looks nice but the taste 
Made you appreciate the sweetness 
Of the honey

Now it was not a dream
It is  a reality
The bitterness never brings me down
The sweetness forever mine
The victory holds me up 

Frightening Story 2

“Help Me”

I entered the car park and then, all of a sudden the light went off, I stopped and turn around. No one. I only could see thousands of cars under the moonlight. My heart was pounding. I knew it was not a good time to walk alone. I took my step quickly and never dare to turn around. At that point of time, I could not think wisely. I just walked without navigation. Under the dim moonlight, I just be able to see a few meters in front me.
Suddenly, I heard something, something behind me. GURGLE! GURGLE! GURGLE! I swiftly turned around, but saw nothing. It was probably just my stomach, I thought to myself. I kept sorting, but with no findings. I just ignored all the sounds that could be heard. “ Please, don’t disturb me, I just want to go back home,” I talked to anyone that can hear, actually I’m talking to myself.
Just then, I saw a shadow in the reflection of the glass behind the car. I walked faster and hope there was someone that could accompany me on my way to go back home. I slowed my step at the moment I came closely to the car. I looked behind the car, still nothing seemed suspicious, so I kept sorting behind the car and trees around there. Again, maybe it was my feeling due to I really need help. In fact, I couldn’t find my car. I noticed that I just mingled around at the same location.
It was very tedious. I sit beside a yellow car that seemed very old and unique. “Nice car,” I impressed with the car. It looked very ancient. Suddenly, I felt a paper towel, or something like it, dragging on the back of my neck. I whipped my head around, and when I saw, an apparently not-so-dead a guy standing over me, I jumped back and gasped. I run quickly to nowhere but, unfortunately, ‘The not-so-dead guy’ was blocking my way.
‘The not-so-dead guy’ made a noise that sounded kind like he was trying to say, “help me” but I couldn’t hear clearly. I didn’t know where should I go. The guy just in front of me and my heart was pounding. Suddenly, I felt like my world became dark and I didn’t know what happened next.


There were so many people around me. I could see there was a policeman besides me. He gave me a bottle of water and not so far from me I could see there was a guy who was lying down under the tree. Most probably, he died and the policemen covered his body with a plastic. I got up and approached the dead guy. I opened the plastic that covered his body and my heart was beating, it was him! He was the same guy that asked for helped last night!

Old and Young

I’m old enough to laugh
I’m young enough to cry

I’m old enough to smile
I’m young enough to angry

I’m old enough to be sweet
I’m young enough to be annoyed


Life is a knife
It may becomes your friend
Or it may becomes your enemy

Happiness is an egg
Different way of cooking
But the taste still delicious

I wish I was...

I wish I was a bird
I wish I had the biggest wings
I wish I could fly anywhere
The world is mine and life never ended

I wish I was a tissue
I wish I had wide space
I wish I could wipe all tears
Tears gone, smile will remain

Haiku Poem

When I think of mom
my life is forever
the pain is never

The wind blow slowly
Since time is walking away
I'm still being lonely